David, you say that you would be happy to see Hamas obliterated, but we know that "Hamas" includes policemen, doctors, nurses, and kindergarten teachers. Hamas is a broad church, just like the Ba'ath Party in Iraq.

Further, I wonder if you really know a great deal about Hamas or whether you are relying upon the Western media's portrayal of them. They are a far more complex organisation than we have been led to believe. Have you, for example, read any of the books by experts in the field who have actually met and interviewed members of Hamas such as Dr Paola Caridi, Dr Khaled Hroub or Dr Jeroen Gunning?

With respect to the events of October 7th I suggest that you watch the documentary "October 7" produced by Al Jazeera Investigations if you have not yet done so.

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I’ve been reading your book Making Monsters. I’m happy to see someone taking on this subject in the way you do. I’d been wondering though if you had omitted Palestinians from your research? Maybe you’ll get to it later in the book but in general I’d be interested in reading more if you’ve written anything else about their situation? This is my first encounter with your substack so forgive me if you covered it more extensively here. I’ll poke around

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Only my two substacks written shortly after the atrocities of October 7, and the first few pages of my 2011 book Less Than Human

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I’d be really interested in reading your take on how your ideas apply to Palestinian’s or why you think thy don’t. I’m sure many others would as well given that so many people, not to mention most nations besides the US have said as much. To be honest I’m surprised that you haven’t contributed to the global discussion given your insistence on the importance of standing against dehumanization. I’m sure you must know about the 72 Virgins Telegram channel and that many other Israeli channels not run by the IDF largely consist of corpses collaged with animals? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C33C471PuUe/?igsh=a2NxZTdmbGtweW0x

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Very superficial and shallow. Just report on smart people's views on the Jewish Way in Israel:


The Jewish Doctors in Jewish Occupied Palestine are Monsters.

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